Royal Employee Appointment | General Steve Watson - Role in the Monarchy | Update January 8, 2025
General Steve Watson
The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann hired Steve Watson as a General in her military. He is her first military hire for the Military and the only General authorised to use the title General in the Monarchy of England and Spain.
Steve Watson's background is as a naval officer and pilot in the US Military. General Steve Watson, an American and Commonwealth citizen, works out of the Ministry of Home Office and is authorised to have an apartment at the private residence formerly Kensington Palace which is appropriate for the title of General. He has permission to fly monarchy planes and to reorganise the military into the Ministry of Home Office.
Steve is a Roman Catholic and is married to Heidi, an Irish national.
Heidi has permission to live with Steve at the private residence located in Kensington Palace in an apartment appropriate for a general with dependants. If Steve and his wife would like separate apartments his wife Heidi may have her own apartment suitable for a general’s wife. Any minor children of the two may live with them at Kensington palace. If adult children are living in the area, royal housing will be supplied to them that is appropriate for the children of a general in the Royal Military.
Steve will be titled General and Knight of England & Spain and the Island of Atlantis. The appointment of General and Knight are current as of 2024.
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