Welcome to my Monarchy blog of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Kaiser von lands German, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein, Papa Papessa del Vaticano, Impératrice de toutes les autre monarchies gagné pendant les guerres monarchiques et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux.
For nine years, I've been working with governments & agencies on global issues without publishing a personal account or making formal declarations outside of the government agencies left in place after the dissolution of the former government of the UK.
This blog is my formal notice to all citizens, subjects and governments.
- I declare my monarchy is a melding of all 199 Monarchies fought over during WWII . The war left 2 main monarchies and then a list of under monarchies. The melding by the war does not incorporate the governments into one government but the England and Spanish Monarchy act as an umbrella over all property under which those governments reside and holds all Sovereign property. The subjects who live on those properties are under the jurisdiction of each Monarchy or Government Structure.
- I declare my personal domains are in my name as Emmy Ann Horstkamp SAM or as The Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and King/Queen of Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de tout es les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux.
- I have no trustees holding my monarchy properties and all properties are available to be audited and inventoried by the Treasuries of each Monarchy for the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain.
- My work as Sovereign Empress includes auditing and creating an inventory of all physical and intellectual properties belonging to The Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de tout es les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux. The property is inherited from Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince Harry, my Father, Guenter F. Horstkamp, King of Germany and my mother Judith Ramirez Chaux de Horstkamp won in the conflict or monarchies from 2070 to 2024.
- My work as Sovereign Empress includes curating the intellectual property of all governments in my Monarchies and the monarchy IP within my realm. All data being curated is focused on data collected by the Monarchies for the Monarchy and the Governments. This data is considered classified as Monarchy data and is archived and curated at the Royal Archive until specific dates approved by the governments and the monarchies.
- My work as Sovereign Empress includes negotiating treaties with governments related to data collected and other international relation treaties. These treaties relate to classified information and their release dates to the public from the Monarchy archives and databases and other international relations treaties.
- My work as Sovereign Empress involves negotiating the cleanup of global environmental issues created by world conflicts, monarchy conflicts and government or private scientific research.
- My work as Sovereign Empress involves establishing monarchies, taking down monarchies, establishing titles and taking down titles and resolving administrative issues left by the International court, World Wars I and II and other transnational conflicts related to Monarchy property and monarchies family issues and monarchy conflicts.
- My work as Sovereign Empress involves setting a financial currency standard for diamonds marked as currency using TrefuGems and working to ensure the financial stability of each monarchy.
- My work as Sovereign Empress and my work as a financial investor are not inclusive. My personal assets are not always included with the sovereign assets of the monarchy or the sovereign trust funds. The public acknowledgement of my status as Sovereign Empress on the Island of the UK began in August of 2024 and I became Sovereign in 2016. Their lack of acknowledgement is their issue not mine. Any assets or investments before 2024 is considered my personal asset and is not available for public review and will not be added to the Sovereign Trust Fund.
- My work as Sovereign Empress is public and the public will receive an answer to any questions regarding any information that is not classified by governments. Government information that is deemed classified will remain classified until declassified by the agencies involved. Queen Ann will not release data without giving 24 hour notice to the individuals involved with the data. There is a 30 day grace period, if requested, for government agencies to resolve data issues or to amend the data to be more accurate.
This blog shall Contain:
- Announcements of New Ministries and Departments for the subjects of all Monarchies. Each Country within the Monarchy of Queen Ann Sovereign Empress shall implement and put in place legislation for each ministry and agency posted on this blog to ensure cross monarchy compliance and a high standard of laws and rules protecting subjects, citizens and property in all jurisdictions.
- Notices to the public, her employees and to other governments.
- Advisories for her subjects, employees and other governments.
- Facts for subjects, employees and other governmetns.
- Other proclamations and declarations by the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain.
Removal of the Past Government System of the UK and Taking Down of the English Welsch and Scottish Monarchy Names Mergeing them into England and Spain.
In 2018, Queen Ann requested a constitution to be drafted for a republic and this was rejected by the government. This rejection made it necessary to take down the government of the UK by force.
In 2018, Queen Ann Sovereign Empress, through the Queen's walk past parliament, took down the government of the UK and began drafting a new government structure appropriate for the island nation. While drafting new ministries, the old beauocracy was left in place to support the subjects of England.
Because the House of Lords and the aristocracy system of more than 50 dukes did not support Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip or Queen Ann the Sovereign Empress, Queen Ann Sovereign Empress of England and Spain removed the duke title system and all other titles in 2018 through the walk and formally declared all titles below hers taken down in 2019. Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain will not replace the Duke titles of England, Denmark or any other monarchy because of the misuse of power and land and their lack of support between 2015 to 2019.
All the atrocities of each Duke through history will be documented by the people of the England, each other Monarchy, each dominion and each commonwealth country. The information collected will be placed in the inventory of the aristocrats in each country as a museum for the people and subjects of each monarchy and dominion.
Notice: All global properties of all dukes and other titled individuals have been frozen or confiscated and civil and criminal court cases are filed against all members of those families related to the Dukes and their consorts and associates. The dukes died in 1947 as traitors to England and Spain and the current monarchy conflict placeholders died in 2019 as traitors to the Crown of England and Spain. The government placeholders who may be seen somewhere online are retired intelligence officers. The Duke properties which were in trust for the Queen Elizabeth II and then Emmy Ann Horstkamp, SAM were not the personal property of the titled dukes. Over the last 100 years, many of the titled individuals failed as custodians and will be prosecuted and sued for assets missing from the inventory left to the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.
Other titled individuals, if working with a duke or by themselves to hurt the Sovereign Queen Ann of England and Spain or her family or her staff or her consorts, will have their global assets frozen and civil and or criminal cases filed against them. Their asset rights will be determined in the proper jurisdictional court. Any Collusion by these people is being researched, documented and that information will be used in court cases against them.
This legal process for these cases will be open for 70 years until all assets have been retrieved, returned or clarified by the courts of each monarchy and each government system. When all criminal charges against former titled families and their estates have been addressed and resolved by the crown, the remaining frozen property of each formerly titled person shall be released and dispersed through intestate probate.
A registry has been created for all children of the past aristocracy system so they may find their siblings and figure out if they have a claim against a past titled parent for inheritance intestate. It is estimated that each duke sired between 800 to a few thousand children. The children of the Dukes or Duke Placeholders may also have legal cases against the past aristocracy for illegal use of their intellectual property and they have 70 years to file their cases in criminal and civil court against those titled families involved.
Current Legal Structure of the Monarchy
Because of the issues created by the cult embedded in the Church of England and the duke system in England, the Island of England a/k/a Atlantis remains a monarchy government structure. The process of creating a Monarchy with a republic ruling the subjects requires the cleaning up of the governments of 199 monarchies who were on the island and includes:
- Releasing data from World War I & II
- Releasing data from Space Conflicts
- Releasing data from Commonwealth Countries stored in the databases of the Monarchy
- Releasing data from Corporations run by the Governments of the Monarchies
- Releasing data from Intelligence Agencies from all nations based in each Monarchy
- Releasing scientific data created or stored in the Monarchy
- Releasing personal data stored in the Monarchy from public surveillance
- Transforming the island system from a prison system (left from the war) to a republic focused system with a Monarchy umbrella established by the United States of America.
- Intestate Probate, Inventory and Auditing of all physical assets of 199 monarchies and the Monarchs fighting in the Monarchy conflicts.
In 2016, Queen Ann requested full transparency of her data so all her activities when related to government work could be cross referenced immediately with the people involved in the work or the conversations transcribed. This process of referencing avoids misunderstandings and a later need for publication of data by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.
If the government material is considered classified, all people working with the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain must have the same level of clearance. All classified material is not available for publication and has no release date unless agreed to by the agencies. Because the Sovereign Empress king/Queen Ann of England and Spain understands a need to know something, a general subject matter and summary will be prepared by the agencies which may have a release date and may be requested once released. One hundred percent of the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann's time is accounted for and recorded by visual or digital surveillance which is not available to the public but is kept in a public transcript on file in the Monarchy archive and a transcript may be available if her legal advisers release the data.
The government agencies of the UK who deleted their data upon her succession to the role of Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain out of protest, are not invited to participate in her government and are not allowed to retain the data stolen from her ministries and agencies. The past employees and intelligence officers who hindered the transparency process have violated the faith of the people of the Monarchies and The Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann and delayed the clarification of titles which is now underway as of January 2025.
Past employees, working in the chain of command for an agency of the monarchy of England and Spain or the past governments of the monarchies or commonwealth governments who were following direct orders, are allowed to live and work in the commonwealth but may not work within her government structures or her corporations or in England, Bayern, Manhattan or Canadada or Ives and may be listed as domestic terrorists at Home Office.
Any person in possession of government data stolen between 2016 through 2025 that is not being held for the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain as Custodian, will be prosecuted for stealing government property from the Monarchies and the Commonwealth. Please notify home office if you are custodian of Sovereign data by mistake or by agreement with a third party.
Monarchy Structure
England, the island monarchy, formerly known as the UK and now known as England on the Island of England a/k/a Atlantis, is classified as a former WWII prison camp that was not rehabilitated completely after the Monarchy wars of WWII. The island declared in 2024 that it functions with only 27 people in key positions and this is being altered to be more Republican and employees are hired through the Ministry of Human Resources.
The Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain, who has been detained digitally in Cambridgeshire, a former US reservation, while the US and Commonwealth countries ensured her and her families safety. All persons are now given notice of the formal creation of the following departments funded by the English Treasury on the Island of England a/k/a Atlantis for the monarchy of England and Spain.
Ministry of HR - Human Resources
The Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain has created a Ministry of HR - Human Resources for the English Monarchy on the island of England a/k/a Atlantis (formerly Engand/Scotland/Wales) This ministry takes care of career education, employment, employees and employment issues for the subjects and citizens of the island of England and the English/Spanish Monarchy. It is a requirement in England that all residents over the age of 18 have employment.
Ministry of Defense and Protection a/k/a Home Office
The Ministry of Defense and Protection a/k/a Home Office, houses the defense agencies of the airforce, navy and coastguard and national guard. There is no army in England except at times of war when a commonwealth army will be invited to protect the monarchy and volunteers from England may join. Home office also houses the Monarchy Bureau of Investigation and the Police department which protect the property and the persons living on the island of England a/k/a Atlantis including the real property and person of the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain.
Ministry of Wishful Thinking
The Ministry of Wishful Thinking is located at St. Paul's Cathedral which is no longer a religious building. The building is the Capital of Londres and the name is "Capital" and the building is an administrative building.
The Ministry of Wishful Thinking takes people's wishes and fulfils them from something that is in the monarchy inventory on the Island of England. The time you have with an item is considered a gift from the monarchy and there is no resale of items allowed. When the person is done using the inventory item, the inventory item must be returned to the Ministry of Wishful Thinking and placed back into the inventory of the Monarchy of England and Spain on the Island of England.
Ministry of Tax
The ministry of tax taxes all subjects at a 20 percent flat tax rate. This tax is audited by the Ministry of Tax and all funds are submitted to the Treasury after collection. All tax is taken from salaries and a final tax note is submitted every December for citizens to review. There is no requirement to file tax forms for employees.
Twenty percent of the tax collected is kept within the treasury as a reserve fund and a percentage of the tax is used to pay the monarchy debt created by the past monarchy governments.
If the government agencies have a surplus at the end of the year, all subjects will be notified and the monies will be used to pay off the Monarchy debt created by past governments. A full list of the debt amounts will be available for review at the Ministry of the Treasury a/k/a Treasury.
Queen Ann does not pay tax in any jurisdiction on any property or on any income. The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann pays no tax on the sovereign trust income, assets, no tax is paid on any trusts, personal real property sales or rents of real property managed and owned by Queen Ann Sovereign Empress and as Emmy Ann Horstkamp. These exemptions from tax are from tax treaties and from her position as Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain.
Ministry of the Budget
All approved ministries and departments of the Monarchy shall submit their budgets to the Ministry of the Treasury for review. Once the audited budgets of all agencies and ministries have been approved, payments are released to pay invoices from the taxes collected. All budgets must be submitted by July for the following year for approval and overall budget planning.
The budgets of all ministries and departments must be less than the revenues received by the Treasury from Taxes collected. If the budget of the monarchy uses all funds, each ministry budget will be reduced until the treasury is at even with taxes collected. This is the republican system being put in place by the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain. No loan will be added to the current debt of the England or the Island of England a/k/a Atlantis or any of the other governments within her realm.
Three percent of the tax collected is set aside for the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain. This amount is not a salary and is not taxable by any government. The Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain will post for inspection what projects she has funded with the revenue set aside for her personal use but will not fund government projects or conflicts with her percentage of tax collected.
All Agencies not mentioned in my Notes must file a formal notice of their existence with the Ministry of Human Resource and have a mission statement of their role within the monarchy of the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain.
The agencies not mentioned in my notes will not receive funding until the agency or ministry has been formerly accepted by the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain.
An audit must be completed of all employees and locations to confirm the removal of cult activities and abusive employees. The people of the Island of England have permission to question the existence of a ministry or agency and request the addition of ministries and agencies to the Ministry of Human Resources and the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain. All requests must be submitted to both The Ministry of Human Resources and Kensington palace for review by Queen Ann Sovereign Empress and he head of the Ministry of Human Resources.
All funds collected from the government shall be audited by the treasury. Notice shall be given to all subjects of collected funds whether the funds were collected with permission of the Treasury. All funds outside of taxation must have a detailed explanation for the collection and go through the Treasury for transparency and verification of purpose and an audit of authenticity.
Ministry of Finance a/k/a Treasury a/k/a English Treasury in England
All government employees, shall receive their salaries from the treasury. Job changes may only happen through Human Resources. Employees are not allowed to make additional changes to their jobs, receive bonuses or receive pay increases until the change is formally acknowledged by Human Resources, the treasury of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain and the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann's office staff focused on employment issues and transparency.
The treasury has permission to sue employees. If you have a lateral job holder or are a place holder sitting at a desk or are in an obsolete position waiting, please go to HR. If you do not contact HR, you will be sued by the Treasury for a salary illegally acquired. If HR believes you have been overpaid, the treasury has permission to sue for the difference between a reasonable rate of pay and compensation and what was taken by the employee or department between 2016 and 2025.
The treasury audits all employee salaries and has permission to review with internal affairs all compensation received by government monarchy employees from all sources from 2016.
Ministry of Personal Financial Affairs located at the Treasury
This ministry focuses on issues of finance, personal financial budget assistance, personal financial assets, personal consumer debt and personal debts to the monarchy and businesses located in the monarchy.
All personal debt is attached to each subjects citizens and resident's passport details and a financial record is kept for each citizen, resident and subject of the monarchy. This information is kept for credit scores across the monarchies and ensures payment of debts to the Monarchy.
Funding for this agency is from the tax funds at the Ministry of Finance - The Treasury.
This page will continue to be updated with information More Ministries and Agencies may be found in the Notes of the Blog.
Queen Ann Sovereign Empress