Royal Employee Appointment | Private Secretary Sandra Arenas

Sandra Arenas is the Private Secretary to Queen Ann Sovereign Empress and this royal position is equal to the president of the USA's chief of staff.  

Sandra Arenas has top clearance for classified information and in the colour systems of Europe, is coloured dark purple / black as a direct family member of the sovereign. This colour is to be used for her car, her official coat and any items requiring colour coding in London and all monarchy locations.

All correspondence to Sandra Arenas, Private Secretary, must be in writing and addressed to Sandra Arenas, Royal Private Secretary for Queen Ann Sovereign Empress.  Correspondence must be sent to the office of Sandra Arenas at Kensington palace in the Royal borough of London.  Only correspondence sent to Kensington will be considered legitimate correspondence with Queen Ann Sovereign Empress.

Sandra Arenas manages the appointment book for the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.  All appointment requests must go through Sandra Arena's office at Kensington.

At the present time, Queen Ann Sovereign Empress, has a private email account and may contact people personally.  To avoid conflicts, all appointments for work must be made through Sandra Arenas.  Because of transparency, there are no private appointments scheduled.  All appointments will include the commonwealth military and intelligence.

Information Regarding Sandra Arenas Appointment and Access

The monarchy security and staff working at Kensington are noticed that Queen Ann Sovereign Empress is occupying her residence at Kensington Palace and Queen Ann allows Sandra Arenas to access the office of the private secretary located within the palace of Kensington in the royal borough. All office staff not associated with Sandra Arenas must vacate the premises for the staff of Sandra Arenas as of January 7, 2025 Noon.  If the vacating staff does not have a position, they must go to HR for reassignment.

Sandra Arenas has the authority to open the mail of the Sovereign Empress but shall not open the Boxes from different agencies. Sandra Arenas has the authority to place boxes in the office of the Sovereign Empress for later review and to contact agencies and ministries to set appointments and begin discussions. 

As of January 7, 2025 the sovereign Empress has received zero boxes from the former agencies or people employed in the government agency layers.  

All boxes received after January 7, 2025 are considered official correspondence and will be archived after reading.  Current boxes expected from ministries and agencies include boxes from Monarchy Intelligence,  SIA (information from outside the boundaries of the island), Home Office, The Treasury, Children and Families, HR and Foreign Office. Each box will be colour coded by the agency and will be archived into the monarchy archive once read.

Sandra Arenas, a Colombian American with Commonwealth citizenship is allowed to have an apartment at the private residence formerly Kensington palace designated for a cousin of the queen. Her children, American citizens with commonwealth citizenship, are allowed to have an apartment at the private residence formerly called Kensington palace as cousins of the queen.  Sandra's husband Rick Arenas, an American citizen, is allowed access to the private residence formerly called Kensington palace and is allowed to reside with Sandra or in his own apartment as he chooses.  Both Sandra Arenas and Rick Arenas are employees of the crown.

Sandra Arenas has the authority to review all employees of the private residence formerly called Kensington palace and ensure they have security clearance.  Sandra Arenas has the authority to remove employees or change employees with staff from other palaces or through HR. Sandra Arenas has the authority to change the security staff to staff willing to work with an American and a Hispanic. "Pookie" a security staff member known to the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann, remains at the residence formerly called Kensington palace and will assist Sandra Arenas in the transition of staff members.

Sandra Arenas has notice that the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann works from the Cambridge WeWork office while waiting to use her Kensington office and apartment.    Sandra Arenas has notice that the Queen currently resides in Ely and commutes to Cambridge for work. Sandra Arenas and Pookie have the authority to arrange transportation for the sovereign and have access to her automobile fleet.  They both have the authority to hire a chauffeurs and drivers for the royal automobiles and they both may hire a driver for each upper management employee's automobiles.

"Pookies" has the authority to hire a butler for the royal apartments and to verify and background check all employees of all palaces and royal offices.