The Royal Household | Royal Children, Royal Nannies, Royal Staff of the Royal Nursery, Children under Royal Guardianship | Updated January 11, 2025

Guardian of Royal Children of Deceased Royals 

Prince Harry of Sussex suffered a severe accident and legally died in 2018.  A cousin stand-in has been attending events with the widow wife Rachel or her stand-in, a USA FBI/ Intelligence officer since the death in 2018. The death of Prince Harry was unexpected and left his minor children in the guardianship of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.  Prince Harry was the son of the Rebel King and Rebel Queen Princess Diana Spencer.  All of Harry's children are American citizens and citizens of the Commonwealth.

All the children of Prince Harry, a prince and son of the Rebel King & Queen with American and Commonwealth heritage, may live in the American palace of Kensington in a royal apartment with an appropriate guardian/nanny and a security officer. 

Prince Harry's children are considered children in the guardianship of the Sovereign Empress, Queen Ann but do not have succession rights. All children of Prince Harry are considered children related to the Sovereign Empress and shall be provided with apartments appropriate for the children of a prince and the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann who considers Harry's children her children but with no rights of succession. The three children are not required to live in the same household but may have separate households, nannies and security officers.  All staff must be approved of by Royal Security and Home Office.

Prince Harry created children for the Sovereign Empress that are the same ages as the children of Rachel Markle. The children created for the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann are children with lineage to the Rebel King, are considered prince and princesses of Cambs with no line of succession rights who may receive titles upon majority.

Queen Elizabeth died before arranging another royal marriage match to an appropriate royal leaving the Queen unmarried before the declaration as Empress.  A match was attempted with a members of the Eastwood House, a royal American house, and the Gyllenhaals, a royal European house. 

Two children tagged in correspondence as Freddy and Fredrika are royal children created for the Sovereign Empress in association with the above marriage negotiations and are her children with prince/princess titles but with no current right of succession. The children are considered her royal children and are in the royal nursery supported by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann's monarchy.

Other Orphaned Children

All children orphaned by Covid are allowed to live in the royal boroughs and royal villages and  in royal housing until they reach the age of 18.  Their nannies must be approved by Children and Families and they will be provided with security.    For housing, contact Trilly at the Ministry of Housing for an appointment and registry.  

Residences in the boroughs of Kensington, Chelsea, Notting Hill, Bayswater, Shephard's bush, specific villages outside of area of London and specific suburbs of London shall be arranged to support the royal nurseries which house Covid victims, orphans of parental deaths between 2016-2024, cult survivors and children gifted to the Monarchy by citizens of her Monarchies.

Royal Angel Babies

Upon appointment by Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Ann Sovereign Empress was gifted 200 babies.  This repeated an historical event where the Monarchy must gift a child to each Monarchy.  The gift of children was to stop Queen Ann from having to give birth to 200 babies for the 200 monarchies that existed at the time of WWII.

The children from this first gift have been adopted by military families in the United States and are being raised as American Royals which are supported by the Monarchy until they have graduated from University.  When they reach the age of 18, they are able to initiate an adult adoption with their American Family.

Anyone declaring an Angel baby at any hospital will be able to find support from the Monarchy of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann either to raise the child with support by the Monarchy or by having the Monarchy provide full custodial guardianship of the angel baby from birth.   All children "gifted" to the monarchy will be raised to work within the monarchy and are monitored by the Ministry of Children and Families until they reach the age of 18.

Any pregnant female may register declaring she would like to gift her baby to the Monarchy and may give birth at a Manhattan Hospital.  All transportation to Manhattan is paid for on all flights, trains and buses and housing is provided for the mother. The department of Angel Children is created and works within Children and Families.

Any children gifted to the queen are by legal status children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.  All children of the monarchy are raised with a nanny, a secretary for appointments, a protocol officer and security.  All schooling is funded through graduate school for all angel babies of the Sovereign Empress.

All Children in care of the royal nursery and in care of the royal nanny staff are considered commoners without title and without succession rights unless specifically stated.

Children of Queen Ann Sovereign Empress

Queen Ann Sovereign Empress declared her two biological children as commoners without current right of succession to provide them with privacy and more freedom of movement while young adults.

A DNA baby and his non identical non genetic twin have been born and they are also commoners without rights of succession and will be raised in the royal nursery and are royal children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.

Children Born of DNA Children

Any children born of DNA children either organic or lab created are commoners and will be raised by the Monarchy with nannies, coaches, security, Guardian ad Litem representation and support staff.

Any replacement people created to replace me in the event that I am too tortured, do not have a right of succcession, are not my family members but are stolen DNA people with human rights but no rights to be my successors or heir.  As a Roman Catholic,  I do not believe in lateral transfer of my soul into another and do not authorise such a ceremony or bodies for that purpose.  My soul will remain with my body for five hundred years in a healthy state of conscious existence.

Surrogate Children through Australian Surrogate for Sovereign Empress Queen Ann from Prince Harry

The sovereign empress Queen Ann of England and Spain has three children created through surrogacy from the Kingdom of Australia.  Those children are considered children of royal rebel lineage and will receive titles from Canadada and Asia.  The three children will live in Kensington palace with their nannies and will have protocol officers, security staff and guardian ad litems.  All three children are located in the royal nursery and will live in apartments appropriate for princes and princesses of the English Monarchy having royal lineage through the prison rebel king.   

Children from Korea, Japan, India, Cuba, Brazil, South America, Canada, Russia, Germany

The Sovereign Empress has children from Asia including children from Japan, China, Korea & Thailand.  Her children from Asia are commoners with current right to titles and are in the royal guardianship of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.  

Spain and England split the world at the end of WWII and Japan was considered part of Spain. The children located in the royal nursery live with their nannies, coaches and security officers and may receive the titles from Spanish countries outside of Asia.  Each child currently in her guardianship shall continue to have a nanny, coach, security officer and a guardian ad litem from Children and Families and are considered the children in guardianship of the Sovereign Empress.

All children from this category have the right to apartments appropriate for the children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England & Spain and are considered commoners without current title but may receive titles upon reaching the age of majority and if without parent are adopted by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann as her children without right of succession.

While living in Munich, Germany the sovereign Empress was gifted 7 children to raise.  Those children included a Japanese baby and a Chinese baby who are friends and are allowed to live in the same residence.   The other five children have been raised on property owned by the Sovereign Empress in Edinburgh and are allowed to have residences at  Kensington Palace. The children are considered the children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann having been gifted to her by the generals of various nations to be raised as ambassadors learning the languages and cultures of their birth nations.

While living in Edinburgh, the Sovereign Empress was gifted children from Korea.  The first child arrived while she was under 24 hour surveillance and being zapped by government officials who were reviewing sensitive data. To avoid the children being zapped, all three children from Korea have been raised by a protocol officer picked by security at Kensington and his wife. They are considered the coach and nanny of the three and shall remain in those positions for the royal children from Korea.  An apartment for the three is available at Kensington Palace for the children of the Royal Empress.

Children from African Continent

The Sovereign Empress has children from various African countries.  Her children from Africa are commoners with right to titles and are in her royal guardianship while in her Monarchy. The children are located in the royal nursery and live with their mothers or nannies and coaches and security officers. Each child shall continue to have a nanny, coach, security officer and guardian ad litem from Children and Families.  All children from this category have the right to apartments appropriate for the children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England & Spain and are considered commoners but may receive titles upon reaching the age of majority. Some of the children live with their biological parents and their rights as parents are retained by the biological parent and each parent may voice their opinion on the education, and staffing choices for the child.  

The Lucky Child of Morocco and Ethiopia

One child ,considered a lucky child, is being raised as a child of the monarchy for a career in the military.  Alexa Chung has been granted the right to be the royal guardian of the child in Morocco and is considered the parent of the lucky child number nine.  The child has the right to have a platonic personal relationship with relatives in Morocco and Ethiopia and receive military training from his birth father located Ethiopia. The child is under the royal house of Morocco and is supplied with a protocol officer, a security officer, a nanny and additional staff as needed in Morocco.  Alexa Chung as guardian is provided with a personal assistant, a chef, a chauffeur and the appropriate housing of the mother of a royal child training to be in the military.

Children from Medina

The Sovereign Empress has royal guardianship of a child from Medina named Moses born in a harem she inherited with the thrown.  Moses is currently living in Medina and is being raised by Clerics to be a Cleric and regional Baron for Medina.

The princess Medina, a Japanese princess, lives with her family in London and is considered a child of the Monarchy supported by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.  Her parents live in London and Princess Medina is allowed to have a royal nanny, a coach, a guardian ad litem and security.  The princess is considered a friend of the English & Spanish Royal Nursery and three children, Hickory, Dickory & Doc, have been adopted by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann from Asia to be the royal cousins of the princess Medina in the royal household of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.   The parents of Princess medina may live with the princess at Kensington Palace in an apartment appropriate for a princess. 

Siblings of Queen Ann by DNA

The DNA of Queen Ann was stolen and babies were created after 2007 by persons in Germany.  These children are considered the children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann and are commoners with German, US and Commonwealth citizenship.  The children currently live with their nannies, personal assistants and tutors and are supported by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.

This group of children have no right of succession to the Monarchy or a title but may be granted European titles if deemed emotionally stable and without political consequence.

The DNA siblings of Queen Ann were created in a Los Angeles lab and are considered siblings of Prince Phillip, the Rebel King, and Sovereign Empress Queen Ann. The siblings have the combined DNA of both royal family members combining the families of Prince Phillip, Rebel King and the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.   

Her sibling children are less than a year old and will be introduced to the public when they reach the age of 15. The Sovereign Empress's DNA siblings are supported by the Monarchy and will be working for the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann as nannies, tutors and assistants and support the raising of Royal children and DNA children.

The Sovereign Empress's DNA Siblings were created in a DNA LA lab and do not have a right of succession to the SAM title or any other title but do have human rights and dual citizenship with the commonwealth.  The sovereign Empress's Queen Ann's DNA Siblings were born as full sized adults in LA and are under the guardianship of the Monarchy of England, Spain and the Commonwealth.  Their birth is fully documented for the archive and they were created to avoid their death as Queen Ann Sovereign Empress is a Roman Catholic and believes in life and human rights.


In the United Kingdom, a group of children born for Queen Ann Sovereign Empress, are called Munchkins and are being raised as diplomats and archivists and have the title Junior knights.  They are commoners and children of the military and may be granted titles when they reach adulthood.  

As minors in the guardianship of Queen Ann Sovereign Empress, a four star General, these children have the right to live at Kensington with their nanny, tutor and security officer in housing appropriate for royal military families. They will be provided with a nanny, coach, and security funded by the Monarchy until they finish graduate school.  Upon reaching adulthood they may choose to be adopted by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann and may be titled with titles appropriate with their role as ambassadors and archivists and children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.

Freddy and Fredricka

Two children whose tag names are Freddy and Fredricka were created by surrogate by Queen Elizabeth II for Queen Ann Sovereign Empress so she would have children within the monarchy. The children are allowed to live at Kensington in an apartment appropriate for princesses and they are considered her daughters but are not Jewish or Yiddish.  The two princesses have nannies and will be with the Royal Nursery.  The two children have been tortured by the past cult and governments and are not online or available for public viewing and will not be officially presented to the public. The two children are associated with American royalty and will receive titles through Canadada.   

Other Children of the Royal Nursery

Since 2018, there have been a few children living on royal property in the royal nursery. The children living in this nursery may continue to live on royal land with their nannies and tutors and security staff under observation from Guardian ad Litems and the Ministry of Children and Families.    These children may be under royal guardianship, they may be adopted by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann, and they may be considered her children or children friend's of the Royals.

All children in the care of the royal household as stated above are appointed their own residences and their own staff appropriate for friends of the monarchy.

Intelligence Children Created From DNA and Held Hostage

A group of children were created from DNA and held hostage by intelligence officers who thought the children would provide immunity.  The children, all commoners, did not provide immunity and some of them have been returned to the Monarchy.  Those children, through the Ministry of Children and Families are related genetically to the Sovereign Empress and  have been rehoused with Nanny's, security officers and foster parents.  Upon reaching the age of 18, they may be adopted by their foster parents.  All children hurt by intelligence officers have a right to sue the intelligence officer and the intelligence agency involved.  All estates of deceased children will file criminal charges against intelligence agents who murdered children related to the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.

Children of Catherine Middleton and William Windsor

The three children of Katherine Middleton and William Windsor are now considered commoners.  All three children are within the guardianship of the monarchy which funds their schooling, nannies, tutors, security officers and a social secretary.  The youngest child of the pair lives at the royal nursery and the other two live with their nannies at or near Kensington palace.  They are not allowed to live in their former residence but live in an apartment appropriate for a friend of the royals.

Katherine Middleton as mother of the three minor children and egg donor to the monarchy, has a private residence in the borough of Kensington. William Windsor has a private residence in one of the royal boroughs.  If either party has hurt Queen Ann, Sovereign Empress, they will be required to relocate to an appropriate location deemed appropriate by Home Office.  Both parents are required to attend visitation and parental meetings with the children as arranged by the Ministry of Children and Family Services.  A residence will be provided for both parents until the children reach the age of 18 and receive their trust funds.

William Windsor and Katherine Middleton are now commoners without title.  Both are private citizens of the United States and the Commonwealth.  Both are not required to perform any public duties and their data is private.  Using their data from today forward without consent is a theft of intellectual property and the courts will prosecute on their behalf.  The children of William Windsor and Katherine Middleton are commoners and their data is private.  Please respect their privacy.  All five persons are in the Guardianship of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.

The Role of a Child in the Royal Nursery & Royal Household

All children under the age of 18 are treated equally in the royal household. They are children and learning to be adults in the Monarchy of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.   The ranking of titles begins at 18 and each child in the royal nursery shall be titled in some manner from the 199 historical houses associated with the Kingdom of England and Spain.

All children in the royal nursery will be taught the proper protocols for living as royals, friends of royals, knights of the Monarchy, Ambassadors of the monarchy and the reasons those protocols must be followed after reaching the age of Majority.

All children in the royal nursery will have manners and be civil with staff, commoners and other children. 

Corporal punishment is not allowed to be used and word weaponry is not allowed to be used. All arguments are recorded for review and the children are represented and advocated by their nanny, coach and security officers.

No person is allowed to use word weaponry, corporal punishment or imprisonment as punishments or retaliation against minors in the nursery or outside of the nursery.  Any child that commits a crime will be presented to Home office and processed through the Juvenile courts system.  Home arrest is allowed is a child is charged and found guilty.

All children in the royal nursery have human rights and are considered the children of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann. They are all allowed to call her Mom, mommy, mums, M, Mommie or Storey until they reach the Age of Majority.  At that time, they must address her as Queen Ann.

Friends of the Royal Nursery

Children who attend day school with the children in the royal nursery may be considered friends of the royal Nursery. Children of the nannies may be considered friends of the royal nursery. Families introduced to the Sovereign and who lived in the neighbourhoods around the sovereign in Edinburgh may be added to friends of the royal nursery.  Children of the Sovereign Empress's friends and family may be added as friends of the royal nursery. 

Children who are friends of the royal nursery are allowed to be guests and attend royal events, be guests to the royal nursery public spaces and be guests in the sections of the garden of Kensington which are open to the royal nursery usage with supervision of security and surveillance by security.  

All visitors to the royal nursery must pass security clearances because of classified data available to the royal children.

Kensington Park is currently closed to the public and is under renovation.  The park will remain closed to the public and will be the private garden of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann.  The children have access to the open grasslands and the greenhouses.  No other buildings are available to children to enter.

Royal Nursery Nannies, Budget, Rules, Education

The budget for the royal nursery is managed by the royal household and security is provided for by Home office and the Royal Security Force in charge of the safety of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann and her family, employees, household staff, other royal staff and consorts. 

A budget shall be approved for each royal child and shall fund a permanent security officer, a nanny and/or personal assistant, a life coach, and a protocol officer.  These people are each individual employees and their services may not be waived by any individual or the royal nursery or the royal household.

The royal nursery shall have a social secretary appointed to keep the appointment calendar for the royal nursery and all children in the guardianship of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann attending the royal nursery.

All nannies are currently approved by the current nannies and must pass security clearances set by Home Office. This system is in place to keep the nursery working smoothly and harmoniously.  All future nannies are from the DNA labs of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann, a system of employment used by the British defense department.   DNA nannies are currently being trained as American nannies for the royal nurseries.  All nannies currently employed have been approved by Children and Families and are employed until they choose to leave service of the Sovereign.

The sovereign believes nannies are part of a child's life team helping them to reach the age of majority.  Each life team is promoting the welfare of the child which requires each child to have their own nanny and support staff. Because of the deaths between 2016- 2024, the royal nursery has a large number of minor children.  This is a life consequence the nannies are helping the children by being extra supportive of their emotional growth and dealing with their mother's Empress status.

Because the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann is Empress Sovereign, the royal nursery will travel with the queen for seven months of the year.  For seven months, the royal nursery may be located in another city but will retain the same staff.  During the absence from the Nursery located at Kensington, the royal nursery will be closed to friends, family and visitors.

All royal children must attend day school for at least five months of the year at the US standard of education currently provided for them in London which runs from Monday through Friday. The royal nursery children must learn more than one language spoken in the commonwealth and may attend classes on Saturday.

For seven months of the year, the royal children are allowed to attend internet school while located in other countries but will not be required to be in a day school.  All royal nursery children shall be resident in the same country as the Sovereign Empress.   During the seven months, they may take trips with their tutors and nannies for educational purposes.

Marriage of the Sovereign Empress and the Royal Nursery 

The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann is a Roman Catholic and does not believe in dating teenagers or young adults.  Her beliefs are based on the Roman Catholic faith.  

The Empress has sole parental rights to children gifted to the Monarchy or created for the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann. To avoid conflicts in the future, the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann will not marry a political leader, a General or an intelligence officer and her children are not available as immunity to such individuals.

All husband consorts of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann will be approved by the military and shall pass security clearances to avoid breaches in confidentiality of classified information and will not have access to the royal nurseries or be left alone with a child of the royal nursery.

As a Roman Catholic, the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann will have only one husband consort at a time but will not have an intimate personal relationship with consorts, nannies, support staff, subjects of the monarchy or persons under the age of 25.  She will not develop relationships with persons who have objected to her monarchy, persons who abused their governmental roles, persons who physically or mentally hurt the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann, persons who hurt her children in the royal nursery, persons who hurt children of other the monarchies, persons who hurt children in foster homes or in other locations while the Sovereign Queen Ann was tortured in conflict (2018-2025).

There is an agreement between Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom in their conflict over her status as a "National Treasure" and because of this agreement the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann shall have three life companions, each with one nationality of the above nations which are not considered husbands and have no royal titles but are allowed to live on royal property and raise children in the royal nursery.

The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann will title any husband consort and any personal consort as Mr/Ms a  Knight of Cambs but this title does not give them parental rights or right to enter the royal nursery.

All Knight titles presented will have no parental rights to any of the children in guardianship in the royal nursery and have no duties or obligations to the royal children or any children under royal guardianship or in the foster care system of the Ministry of Childrens and Families.

The monarchy will sue individuals, corporations and governments who violate the rights of the children of the royal nursery, royal children outside of the nursery, and children of the commonwealth.  the children of the monarch and commonwealth have intellectual property which is the private property of the child and all children without titles are able to sue in civil court and through the crown prosecution criminal court systems of all jurisdictions.  Children with title shall sue through the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann in regards to violations of their intellectual property rights.