Accreditation of All Educational Institutions within the Monarchies of England, Spain and The Sovereign Empire of Queen Ann of England and Spain
Monarchy accreditation system for all University and Schools to Comply with EU & US standards of education.
The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux declares and proclaims an accreditation system based on the one set by the EU and the US for all educational facilities, faculty and student services.
All students in all monarchy institutions of learning have human rights and have a right to a high level of quality in educational content and educational instruction supplied by personnel background checked by Monarchy Intelligence, Europol, The FBI in the USA, MBI in the monarchies, CBI in the Caribbean and SABI in South America depending on the location of the institution.
The funding for the accreditation system is from the sovereign funds of The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux.
The funding of the SABI, South American Bureau of Investigation is from the Sovereign Funds of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain located in South America. The funding for MBI is from the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann's funds located in the Netherlands. The funding for the CBI is from the Sovereign Empress Funds located in the Caribbean.
All background checks are completed within six months of application and shall be kept on record in the Monarchy databases and shared through Europol upon application of the employee.
All students may ask for a background check if they would like to begin the process for security clearance to work within the monarchy, work within banking, finance, publishing, all legal professional employments and within the military and security fields.
All backgrounds checks are confidential and are not published outside but each person may make an appointment with the agency and review their file for clarification. Investigators work as part of internal affairs for the Monarchy.