I am the Queen / King of England and Spain - There are no Men at this level because you ruined by chance to marry | Punishment for Pretending to be a Royal

The sovereign Empress has all titles and therefore is the King/Queen of England and King/Queen of Spain. The King of Spain left in 2019 and the title reverted back to the Sovereign Empress so she is the only one with the titles of King/Queen of England and King/Queen of Spain.  The king of Spain died in the monarchy conflicts. His mother and father are retired intelligence officers. His children are commoners.

To help the subjects and employees in my monarchies, the sovereign empress title is officially The Sovereign Empress King/Queen of England King/Queen of Spain and Sovereign of all monarchies.

The Sovereign Empress name is not gender neutral but stated this way to avoid someone presenting themselves as a king.

I have No King, Did Not Consent to an Interim King, Did not Consent to any KingLike Person Did Not Consent to a King Placeholder or a King Stand-in.

I did consent to have caroline work as a past royal  Queen Mother which gave her no power but allowed her to attend public events.  Caroline is now retired and lives in Australia.  She was the Queen Mother stand-in from 2018 to 2025 for the sovereign empress since Queen Elizabeth died in the conflict war with Prince Andrew who died with his mother.  Caroline is the cousin of the queen and the person in the commercial with Paddington Bear and she holds no royal title but has an intelligence retirement pension.

I did not consent for any stand-in royals for any royal from any monarchy and I did not consent to the filming of a coronation of a king or the filming of public funerals.  Charles was disinherited by his mother in the 70s after he slept with her ex husband and any stand-in for this man is violating my IP and insulting Queen Eizabeth II.   Charles was as a government worker working for service and he was a paid employee of the government not a royal family member.

All footage filmed of a coronation and all footage of the Service worker Charles belongs to the Sovereign Empress and will be used for the Windsor Palace project in Las Vegas.  The Windsor project will be casting for the role of Charles as a younger and taller man but will use the footage on file for the television series.

All family members of Queen Elizabeth II were gifted their inheritance by Emmy Ann Horstkamp, SAM in 2016 when she was given the Sovereign Trust.  The remnants of their inheritances goes to their heirs intestate.

A severe financial penalty is in place for misusing the assets and real properties of the throne from 2016 to 2025.  Any person who misused the Sovereign Properties of Emmy Ann Horstkamp, The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Kaiser von lands German, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein, Papa Papessa del Vaticano, Impératrice de toutes les autre monarchies gagné pendant les guerres monarchiques et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux will be prosecuted both in civil and criminal court.

 Notice to all Citizens and Subjects

All royal and past aristocrats committed group suicides at diners served to them by sadists between 2016 to 2019 in England and other Monarchies.  The royals thought the world was going to end with the death of Queen Elizabeth II and decided to try for heaven.

Their bodies have been cremated and turned into urns, statues and other markers designating where they wanted to be buried and their families are private citizens without rights to succession or special priveleges.

Placeholders and lateral transfers are not allowed into any lives of the dead from these dinners or the monarchy conflicts.  Any person in those positions must desist immediately and any violation of the Sovereign IP will be looked into and criminal and civil cases will be filed.  The Sovereign Empress owns all the IP from all the dead in England, her Monarchies, her Dominions and all royal families.

Employees are not allowed to pretend to be royals. If they decide to create a drama, it must be a mythical monarchy so subjects are not confused about history.

All Duke titles have been taken down.  No child of a duke or a Church person has any special privileges.   These people  have all been taken down and you are not required to give them special privileges, kneel, curtsey or bow to them. Any assault by these people is punishable in criminal court.