Legal Identification Photographs for Citizens, Subjects and Residents | Proper Editing of Photographs by Digital Serveillance

It has come to my attention from working with surveillance that all photograph machines including phones and digital cameras filter an image on top of the person who is being photographed.  This image may be the person who is watching you on the surveillance cameras or it may be a filter chosen by the business manufacturing the product or the software.  The surveillance person is almost always a man by profession and may alter the finished photograph taken with digital devices.

It is declared and proclaimed that photos for legal identification will be edited from your best images taken and shared on instagram, Facebook, your phone and surveillance data.  The Monarchies collect data on all citizens, subjects and residents and are able to provide a photograph that is your likeness and is the best version of you and at an optimal look for an identification card.

My current driver's license photo has a photo of me with long hair, and was filtered with someone with long hair but now my hair is short and they filtered my passport with a man from surveillance instead of a woman with short hair. Not acceptable.

This process of filtering women with male images is prohibited for all digital photographs.  The photographs in the databases for all citizens and residents are extensive and we have a database for each person.  Identification photos may be made as optimal as possible which will allow everyone to have an acceptable image on Driver's licenses, Identification cards, and Passports.

It is declared and proclaimed that all filtering by default are people in their early 30s to offer an optimal filter for older subjects, citizens and residents. The filters must be the same ethnicity as the person in the photograph.

All identification processing is two weeks from the date of application for driver's licenses and photo identification if all the paperwork is in order. For passports, the application will be processed in six to eight weeks for all monarchies, dominions and commonwealth countries.

All people may without cost have a new passport or identification created if their current photograph has the wrong filter or a photo that does not match their person. You may request the government to edit the photos in the database or have all photos filtered with a proper gender image.  The cost of this process will be determined by Home Office.


The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Kaiser von lands German, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein, Papa Papessa del Vaticano, Impératrice de toutes les autre monarchies gagné pendant les guerres monarchiques et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux