Monarchy of MisMer Renaming of Institutions & Development of Infrastructure, Ministry of Surveillance, Housing, Publishing, Vatican Presence
It has come to my attention that my monarchy MisMer which used to be the Archduchy of Luxembourg is missing housing for EU residents and various other structural commuting necessities.
Ministry of Housing
The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux declares the creation of the Ministry of Housing for MisMer which shall take applications for persons interested in housing and created villages of additional housing. The villages must match the architectural style of MisMer and be coloured correctly.
Certain parts of Europe use a war colour coding system to identify houses and the general population of a city. The architects of MisMer are allowed to continue to use their coding system and symbols to identify residents and building use. This identification helped individuals during the war who did not speak the same language.
No Monarchy property in MisMer has immunity during Peace. If a conflict is announced, Monarchy properties shall be closed until the conflict is resolved. At times of war, the residents of the Trois Bise are evacuated from the War Zone. The Monarchy of the Trois Bise are new and there are no titles except those held by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein. Papa Papessa del Vaticano.
Sovereign Empress is the Top of All Towers, Head of All Villages, Towns and Cities
All residents are on notice that the sovereign Empress is the top of all Buildings and head of all villages, towns and cities within her monarchies. This is to avoid issues of neglect that have been found in Italian cities where people have gone missing and issues of misuse by a cult that was found in England enslaving people in housing.
All villages shall have a town square and a Ministry of City Welfare to ensure that residents and citizens of MisMer have access to representation and public services. This system of town square and ministries of City Welfare are required for all new village construction in all areas of all monarchies.
Emergency Services
When the sovereign empress, before receiving her title, lived in Luxembourg and in Berlin, she found that emergency services for women were not readily available. Upon application, all persons shall be interviewed and receive emergency services within 24 hours. Any person applying with a child for assistance shall be considered an emergency situation. Emergency Services for MisMer are supplied from the Sovereign Funds of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain located in MisMer.
All application for services in MisMer by persons shall be addressed within 24 hours.
Temporary Housing and Rental Housing
Temporary housing is available and funded by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann from her funds in MisMer for all persons who have been injured, suffered an injury, have been displaced by illness or injury, need protective services or are in transition between housing.
Housing for people who are employed in MisMer and would like to live within the boundaries of the monarchy are accepted by application. New Villages with housing will be created based on the current housing system and all applicants will be placed in the appropriate villages with explanation of the villages available and the housing available to the applicant. All rental agencies will be informed of available housing and applications waiting housing that might be filled by the private housing stock.
Mismer does not discriminate when providing housing. All applicants who are employed in MisMer , France, Germany or Maya will be interviewed and offered some form of housing when available. There is a current shortage of housing. Because of the historical markings of colour and building style, MisMer is careful and will not knowingly place a person in the wrong housing location. All students at the university of MisMer formerly known as the University of Luxembourg, will be provided with affordable and safe housing and may request housing through the University.
Renaming of Luxembourg Institutions to MisMer Institutions
All reference of Luxembourg must be replaced with MisMer for all monarchy funded institutions and organisations within 30 days of this publication date. The private sector may still use their name but the IP for Luxembourg belongs to the Monarchy of MisMer and such names are not available for trademark.
Train System and Public Transport and Taxis
MisMer Ministry of Surveillance
The MisMer Palaces
All Palaces of MisMer are to be renovated. The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Deutschland, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de toutes les monarchies et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux is a Roman Catholic and pope of the Roman Catholic Church. It is important that all buildings belonging to the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, reflect her position as a Catholic.
The Sovereign Empress is considered in residence at all of the palaces of MisMer and her flags shall fly at all times at all her residences in MisMer. The Palaces shall fly her MisMer Flag and the Flag of the Vatican and may fly below those two flags, the village flag where the palace is located.
The Sovereign Guards shall guard each palace and be in place at all times. All Sovereign Guards are Brazilian Guards hired funded through the Vatican Trust Funds.
Vatican in MisMer
As Sovereign Empress, the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann inherited the Vatican and moved Vatican publishing to MisMer. The publishing of bibles and missals are based in MisMer and all staff for publication must be Baptised Roman Catholics or Greek Orthodox Catholics, have passed a background check and must be hired through the Ministry of Human Resources. Tours for visitors will be made available once facilities for publication are completed. Signed bibles with just the old testament will be available in 2026.
The digital content for online catholic apps authorised by the Vatican are published through MisMer and the intellectual property is owned by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann, Sovereign of the Vatican.
All intellectual property created in MisMer for the Vatican is owned by the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain as the Sovereign of the Vatican.