The official Language of the Netherlands is English | Please consider a Name Change

Netherlands, A territory of Germany before WWII and Belgium a territory of Germany before WWII are both current monarchies with very short histories and areas won by England during WWII.

It has been brought to my attention from an old map from WWII used during a presentation about Churchill and the USA that after the war was completed but not finalised, that the region of the Netherlands and the Monarchy of the Netherlands are only as old as the end of WWII. 

The region of Belgium and the Monarchy of Belgium are only as old as the end of WWII.  This region Europe was the region of the international court of at least 199 monarchies and a conflict zone which the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain will be archiving for royal history.  

After fully documenting all non essential historical buildings that are on royal property, the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann will be taken down buildings to provide more land for citizens to use and purchase leaseholds from the Monarchy.

Official Monarchy Language Dutch English for the Dutch Monarchy and Official Language for the Mayan Monarchy is German.

Having visited the Netherlands, I declare and change the monarchy language to Dutch English and would like the country language to be Dutch English as Dutch is only a 70 year old language or a version of German created during the war.  Dutch English may still be taught and used but all monarchy related business will be in Dutch English.  I declare the Dutch Monarchy of the Netherlands shall have its own Dutch English Dictionary and all monarchy businesses shall publish in Dutch English.

I declare and proclaim that the Monarchy languages for Maya formerly known as the Belgium Monarchy is German and English.  All other languages are supported by the Monarchy as regional dialects or European languages necessary for work.  All paperwork for the Mayan Monarchy formerly Belgium Monarchy must be in German and English.  The form of Government for Maya is Monarchy at the moment as we dig out of WWII.

The Sovereign Empress Declares that the Real Property of The Netherlands is managed by the Monarchy not the Government Structured on her Lands.  This is the declaration for all countries where the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain has lands with a separate government structure for the management of people's issues and a Monarchy holding assets and Real Property.

The Sovereign Empress Affirms that the Sitting Style of Government for the People of the Netherlands is a Republic by Nature and Declares the Monarchy to be Separate from the Government which Manages the People and their issues.  No Government agency is able to have their offices on Monarchy Property and No Immunity is Available on Monarchy Lands.  Income Taxes are from the People but the Government has no Authority to Tax the Sovereign Empress's Lands.

The history of this region of Europe is important for the Sovereign Empress King/Queen Ann of England and Spain and all other Monarchies but the people of the Netherlands now have the opportunity to pick a new name for their Republic on Monarchy land.  

All Job regarding assets, land and real property management associated with the Dutch Monarchy are filled through the Monarchy Ministry of Human Resources located in MisMer.  The Ministry of HR in the Monarchy of MisMer formerly the Archduchy of Luxembourg will fill positions as needed for the Dutch Monarchy.

More Clarification for countries and monarchies will follow in future notes.


The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Kaiser von lands German, King/Queen of the Netherlands, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein, Papa Papessa del Vaticano, Impératrice de toutes les autre monarchies gagné pendant les guerres monarchiques et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux