Correspondence mail for the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain


The sovereign Empress works in Cambridge and her working address is:

Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD USA SAM
Sovereign Empress Queen of England and Spain
We Work 
50-60 Station Road
CB1 2JH 

When I move office, I will update the correspondence address.  
  • Requests for Accounts payable go directly to the Treasury of England in London and will be audited to ensure they are accurate.
  • Requests for Attendance or Invitations to events because of surveillance, are not possible to accept.

Please Remember No placeholder or Laterals Allowed in her Offices or as Representatives in Government or at Events.

At this time, the sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain does not send place holders or other people to events.  No person is authorised to represent the government or the sovereign monarchy at events, conferences, symposiums meeting or political gatherings.  This has been from 2016 to the present.

All persons employed by the Sovereign Empress must be vetted through home office for background checks. 

Insurance Issues

Because of Insurance, the sovereign empress is currently being watched on surveillance cameras 24/7 at work and while commuting but she does not have access to any video feeds or audio.  Because she is required to be on surveillance and this surveillance is used to cover the past videos of the governments, all citizens of the Island of England are required to be on surveillance 24/7 to cover video footage. It has been noted that it will take three years to cover all data held by Home Office.  The coverage of Data began in 2019.

This video footage is layered and your current video footage covers all past video footage.  This layering stops others from looking at the videos but allows Home office to look at the video for court cases or for profiling of domestic terrorists.  No Video footage is used to embarrass or humiliate citizens of England or the commonwealth.

From 2015 to the present, the sovereign empress has transcribed her information from each day for the royal archive.  The information has not been for the public but to keep track of court cases and intellectual property.  All feeds have been from government surveillance.  The sovereign Empress does not currently have access to the transcripts, video feeds or audio feeds.

The sovereign empress is insured for 500 years.  Her family is insured for 500 years.  This insurance policies are in place to avoid domestic terrorists hurting the citizens of England and are a reality of the current political climates and past government mistakes.

Switching Jobs 

If you had a job which required you to have insurance but now you want to work in a different field, you are welcome to visit the Ministry of HR and ask for a new occupation.  They will test your skills and find a new position for you within the Monarchy and the businesses of the Sovereign Empress.

Ownership of Businesses in England and other Monarchies

Because of this insurance issue, the sovereign empress owns 60 percent of all businesses. This will stay in place until all insurance issues have been resolved.  No person who has hurt the sovereign empress is allowed to own a business in England or in any of her other monarchies.  Domestic terrorists are not tolerated or allowed to own businesses or be employed in the government.  

Issues left over from WWII

There are still issues that are left from WWII.   Please be patient with the cleanup of these issues.  Queen Elizabeth, who was queen of England but not of Spain was unable to fix some of these issues having to do with the prison camps.  As queen of England and Spain, the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain has the opportunity to clean up the issues left over from WWII.

There is quite a bit of video/visual material having to do with crimes against humanity from governmental conflicts between 1900 and 2025.  These issues are being cleaned up by the governments who created them and the data is kept in the royal archive.

Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD SAM USA a/k/a the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain, Koenigin mit der Seele eines Koenigs von Germany, Kaiser von lands German, Koenigin Ann-Marie von Bayern, Emmy Ann SAM, Impératrice de Marenchou, MisMer et MeStein, Papa Papessa del Vaticano, Impératrice de toutes les autre monarchies gagné pendant les guerres monarchiques et ayant la lignée de Ramirez Chaux,  asks you to be patient with the data cleanup of everyone's life including the past royals.

Transition from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Ann

 The transition from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Ann is ongoing. We are in year nine.   So far,

  • The church of England has been closed because of a cult of atheists who used the church immunity for contract killing.
  • The twenty active pastors are retraining as episcopal priests and are holding service online until the churches are cleared of cult relics.
  • A few Sadists are training as catholic priestesses which requires going to seminary school. 
  • The builders are marking building which need to be torn down.  These buildings are not open for rentals or to be viewed by the public.  All building with historical significance are required to be documented before being torn down.
  • Any new buildings which are not approved and built between 2015 to the present may be torn down.
  • The Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain declared eminent domain while living in Edinburgh. This was declared because people did not know how they had their homes which caused an issue with deeds and property ownership and identity issues.
  • The Sovereign Empress's personal funds from taxes are still located at the Treasury and are used by the sovereign empress to purchase real property. All real properties purchased remains in her name.
  • The Sovereign Empress works for herself and as Sovereign Empress does not pay tax. All monarchy employees are paid from the treasury and from tax funds. All employees of businesses are paid from business funds.

Titles of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain

  • As heir of queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Emmy Horstkamp's life is documented by the United States of America since birth.  Emmy Horstkamp, SAM  became Queen of Spain at 13 and this was confirmed when the former kind of Spain left during the conflicts of 2019 to 2024.  Dr. Emmy Horstkamp became Queen of the Germanic countries (a/k/a Germania) when her father died around 2011 and Queen of England in 2015 when Queen Elizabeth decided to become queen mother and handed the Sovereign Trust over to Emmy Ann Horstkamp while she lived in Germany.
The exact titles of the 199 monarchies inherited by Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD USA SAM will be shared in the royal archive and in a museum once they have been researched.  There are currently no aristocracy and no other monarchs. 


Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD USA SAM