Palaces are Personal Residences not Open to the Public
It has been brought to my attention that some employees think that palaces are public spaces. Palaces are private residences of the royal family. At this time, all palaces are private and not open to the use of employees other than specifically mentioned in this blog.
All palaces in London are being inventoried for Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain.
The National Gallery is a palace to be dedicated as a Library and will have the former gates from Kensington.
The WhiteHall Palace is being moved out of the city to a palace complex.
Buckingham is a General's palace and Dr. Horstkamp's four stars are being added to the front of the building. This building is her work office space and is not open to any other use by any other person. The history of WWII and current monarchy conflicts to 2025 are embedded in the architecture and design work.
If for some reason, you took something from this building please return the item. All items have historical importance for the building and we are recording all contents for the royal archive and history archive for the English.