Sovereign Funding for the Ministry of Roasting

It has come to my attention that people do not think I have accomplished enough in my life.  Every few days, someone makes a comment and these comments about my career choices are inappropriate.  I am the Sovereign Empress Queen of England and Spain.  There is no exact training for such a role when you do not know you are going to be the queen or countries are hiding the fact that you are their queen and are stealing your trust funds.  I did study political science, have a doctorate in law and studied EU law.

Therefore those people who have hurt me, insulted me and are still within the boundaries of my countries are monitored by the Ministry of Roasting.  

If you are a lateral transfer, you are included in this category even if you did not hurt me.  I did not authorise any lateral transfers in my kingdoms and the transfer of identity is a theft of intellectual property from the Queen of England and Spain who provides you with passports and opportunities.

If you are a privately funded transfer, you may submit your paperwork to the Ministry of Roasting.  The Ministry of Roasting, Monarchy Intelligence and Home Office will monitor lateral transfers when identified if the paperwork has not already been submitted to the Ministry of Roasting to avoid accidental contracts or people failing to have the proper liability insurance.

Home office and the new Ministry of Roasting, funded by the Sovereign Monarchy of England, monitors all people who have chosen to live a  "new" life but might have been something else in a different life and are within the boundaries of the monarchies. This does not include Tudors who are monitored by Home office and Monarchy Intelligence and may not have agreed to lose their history.

Reason for the Ministry

The people monitored by the Ministry of Roasting  are given a banquet when they turn fifty and their whole career is shared and roasted.  At the end of the banquet, if they have not achieved the same amount of experiences documented by raw footage that the queen achieved by the age of fifty, those lateral transfers are demoted to the age of 34 so they have the opportunity to have more time to catch up in their life achievements.  

Facts about Lateral Transfer Lives

The custom in this area of lateral transfer is that the lateral transfer has the opportunity to be successful and earn money using their new identity but they do not get the assets of the person nor do they get to take their degrees.  In making the lateral transfer, they leave behind their past life and any past achievements including degrees.

  There is no going back to the life you contracted away.

Lateral transfers do not get the assets or the educational degrees. If they have a similar degree, they must petition the court and have a discussion with the degree granting institution.  If there is no similar degree, then the degree will be stripped from the lateral transfer to avoid issues of fraud.

Those that have chosen to take an identify are required to petition with the courts for a formal change of Identity.  This information is kept private and the information about lateral transfers is not open to the public. Requesting a new identity through Home office is possible and will be approved by the queen if a formal request is successfully completed and the person has not insulted or hurt the queen or her family or her consorts. This process is to avoid double lives that may harm the monarchies. 

The identifies from past royals and past aristocracy are non-transferrable.  All Past royals from the monarchies died in the conflict of monarchies in 2018 with only Queen Ann of England and Spain surviving and her daughter Princess Ann of Bayern.

  All aristocracy are dead for not supporting the Queen. All past aristocracy are dead for not supporting the queen.  The aristocracies of all monarchies were taken down in 2019 and have no authority or ownership of any properties in the Monarchies for not supporting the queen.  

If an aristocracy can show they supported the queen during the Conflict of Monarchies, their retired intelligence officers acting as placeholders may be granted a title if they have not hurt the queen during the conflict between 2019 to 2025.

FIY - The house of lords was taken down with the government in 2018 when the aristocracy refused to acknowledge Queen Elizabeth's appointment of Dr. Emmy Ann Horstkamp, JD USA SAM as Queen of England  forcing her to go through the Queen's walk through London.     Dr. Horstkamp JD,USA SAM became Queen of Spain without a King when the king left the conflict of monarchies in 2019.


Queen Ann of England and Spain.