The Region of Queen Ann of England and Spain's Estate that used to be a US Reservation
It came to my attention a few months ago, that a large land area near Norwich and including some of the suburbs of London were part of a US Reservation. As SAM and Queen of England, I took down this reservation and all other reservations in the Monarchies to avoid citizens being mistakenly misled to believe they were in the monarchy when they were on the land of a different country. Now all land is within the Monarchy.
This land from the suburbs of London to the ocean is now in my private estate while the reservation is documented. Because Cambridge is in this area, I, Queen Ann of Engand and Spain have declared Cambridge to be the park Puzzle Town - A Disney Managed Park. A new Cambridge is planned in the region closer to London that has no affiliation with historical events or the puzzles embedded in Cambridge. The University of Cambridge is located in London.
King's Lynn
Yesterday, I went to visit King's Lynn and was bullied. This is unacceptable behaviour. I have human rights and contacted Home office about this improper behaviour for them to investigate what was wrong with the people in King's Lynn yesterday. I do not accept bullying and will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Because King's Lynn is on my private estate, all grumpy people from King's Lynn are required to relocate to grumpy villages someplace else on the island off of my private property. I requested all villages to submit whether they were grumpy villages so the current residents in King's Lynn would have a choice of where to relocate off my private property.
It came to my attention while I was in King's Lynn that 90 percent of the residents were on public assistance. Please go to the Ministry of HR (human resources) for employment. There is 100 percent employment on the island. No one is allowed to be on public assistance unless they are unable to work.
The town of Littleport now has an office for training staff to work at Disney. I, Queen Ann of England and Spain, require polite staff to work at the Disney Park - Puzzle Town and in the areas surrounding Puzzle Town to ensure that visitors are treated fairly and are not harmed.
I chose yesterday a head of office who reports to the executive staff of the Queen of England. This is the first Disney focused training facility now funded by the Queen and to be managed directly by her staff since it is located on her private estate. The head of office and the first set of employees started work yesterday - Your office wast pointed out to me from the train.
A Notice: Queen Ann of England and Spain's Private Estates
All of the queen's estates are restricted from public access meaning they are not open to the public. They are private property owned by the Queen Ann of England and Spain since 2016 and are managed by her personal staff not associated with a government. If you are violating her personal real estate by squatting she will file charges against you and there is no time limitations. I find you, I will file charges against you.
Warning Notice: No Access to the Public No Charging Fees to Access My Private Property
Any person charging others to access my property is committing a crime and all fees must be returned to the treasury. Home office will file charges persons illegally using the queen's properties. I recently was restricted access to my personal property because citizens were doing skits. You are violating my rights by doing skits on my personal property and my personal real property and charges will be filed against all persons illegally using my real properties to create skits.
Public access to public transportation in the reservation zone is restricted. All persons on the trains and buses must be vetted by the government and guards are to be posted on the roads into the former reservation area There is surveillance throughout the area documenting all persons and you may talk to the surveillance cameras if you are having an issue.
The laws of the Monarchy are applicable on my personal real property and I will use them to charge you for offenses committed on my real property. Queen Ann of England and Spain is a lawyer and follows the laws of her monarchies.
If you live on the queen's estate with permission, you will be given an ID to access the estate by road. Guards shall be at attention at the gates at all times. All roads shall be detoured if they are not able to have a guard. All visitors must register at the gate before given access, similar to going onto a military base.
All people born in this region are born with dual citizenship up to 2024. Queen Ann of England and Spain has given all UK citizens US citizenship to make sure everyone has both citizenships up to 2024. This area was the prison camp of past royals of 199 nations and this is part of Queen Ann's current research.
The name Cambs might have stood for Commonwealth American Monarchy British Sovereign... An American Whitehouse from the war is located in Cambridge and is the home where Queen Elizabeth was married to the US president during the war. This marriage is labeled a political marriage and gave the president the title King. There will be a public discussion as to whether a new US reservation should be created. No president is able to be Chief of King as the Queen of England who is also Sovereign of the USA will not create a political marriage since she is sovereign of all monarchies with more than one government.
Train service to Norwich remains and the city of Norwich will have additional court houses built which focus on comparative law and commonwealth law court cases as discussed before in another post. New housing in the area around Norwish is not permitted. Norwich is located on my personal real property and additional houses will only be planned by the Queen Ann of England and Spain. If you built something, I might move it for you or tear it down. The region has many historical issues that must be resolved and the property is not open for development.
All real properties on my personal lands are leaseholds and you may take your house if you own it as mentioned before. I do not lease undeveloped land because of the issues of WWII.
If you do not own your house, a rental lease will be provided to you by Trilly if you qualify to live on the personal estate of Queen Ann of England and Spain. You may not lease undeveloped lands because of WWII. Farm land is not available for rent or lease or sale to new tenants.
Ministry of Villages and Towns
New Villages
- Architecture
- Relocation of towers groups
- Removal of persons from cities such as Ely (a torture location during WWII)