
Showing posts from January, 2025

Legal Identification Photographs for Citizens, Subjects and Residents | Proper Editing of Photographs by Digital Serveillance

The official Language of the Netherlands is English | Please consider a Name Change

All Past Intelligence Officers and their Children with Royal Blood May do a PHD in Royal History for a Doctorate of Royal History

I am the Queen / King of England and Spain - There are no Men at this level because you ruined by chance to marry | Punishment for Pretending to be a Royal

Manners Around the Royal Family of the Sovereign Empress Queen Ann of England and Spain | Prosecution of Insults and Assaults

Deutschland / German Lands and the Monarchy of Germany Rents, Use of Land by the Government of Germany

Monarchy of MisMer Renaming of Institutions & Development of Infrastructure, Ministry of Surveillance, Housing, Publishing, Vatican Presence

Accreditation of All Educational Institutions within the Monarchies of England, Spain and The Sovereign Empire of Queen Ann of England and Spain